Governing Board
of the
Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority
Long Beach City College Liberal Arts Campus (LAC)
Board Room, Building T1100
4901 East Carson Street
Long Beach, CA 90808
Governing Board
of the
Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority
Long Beach City College Liberal Arts Campus (LAC)
Board Room, Building T1100
4901 East Carson Street
Long Beach, CA 90808
A. Roll Call
B. Opening Statement
C. Agenda Items
1. Minutes of the June 8, 2017 Meeting of the Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority. (APPROVAL)
2. Monthly Financial Statement – May 2017 (R&F)
Attachment 1
Attachment 2
3. Approval of the attached amended ACTA Investment Policy. (APPROVAL)
4. Authorize the Chief Executive Officer or Chief Financial Officer to increase the existing task order value for flagging services by $200,000 under Agreement No. 782 with Balfour Beatty Infrastructure, Inc. (APPROVAL)
5. Approve Supplement No. 2 to Caltrans Service Contract 07R329 increasing the amount of costs reimbursable to ACTA from $42,000 to $192,000 for providing flagging and inspection services in support of Caltrans’ Anaheim Street Bridge Painting Project; and authorize the Chief Executive Officer or Chief Financial Officer to execute the Amendment. (APPROVAL)
6. Adopt the attached Resolution No. 17-2 approving the attached Amendment No. 2 to Caltrans Construction Agreement No. 07-4914 with the California Department of Transportation which will increase the not-to-exceed budget for design support services from $4,300,000 to $5,300,000 for certain services to be provided by ACTA during construction of Segment 1 of the SR-47 Project; and authorize the Chief Executive Officer or Chief Financial Officer to execute said amendment. (APPROVAL)
Attachment 1
Attachment 2
7. (1) Approve the attached Change Order in the amount of $500,000 to Agreement No. E0807 with AECOM Technical Services, Inc. (ATS) for support services on the Heim Bridge Replacement portion of the SR-47 Project; and authorize the Chief Executive Officer or Chief Financial Officer to execute said change order. (2) Approve the replenishment of the $100,000 contingency to be used if needed for any of the tasks under Agreement No. E0807. (APPROVAL)
Attachment 1
Attachment 2
9.Approve the attached Sixth Amendment to ACTA’s Maintenance Agreement No. 782 with Balfour Beatty Infrastructure, Inc. (BBII), which is set to expire on October 14, 2017, extending the term for up to six months through April 14, 2018; and authorize the Chief Executive Officer or Chief Financial Officer to execute said amendment. (APPROVAL)
10. Approve amendments to two ACTA agreements and authorize the Chief Executive Officer or Chief Financial Officer to execute the amendments as follows: (1) Amendment No. 16 to Agreement No. C0693 – Manatt, Phelps & Phillips for federal advocacy services – 3-month extension through January 31, 2018 and $15,000 increase to contract value; and (2) Amendment No. 7 to Agreement No. C0840 – Vasquez & Company, LLP for internal auditing services – 3-month extension through January 31, 2018 with no increase to contract value. (APPROVAL)
Attachment 1
Attachment 2
11. Approve attached Agreement No. C0868 with Tetra Tech, Inc. for Environmental Site Assessment & Restoration Services in an amount not-to- exceed $150,000 for the period on or about October 1, 2017 through June 30, 2020 with an optional 3-year extension if later approved by the Board; and authorize the Chief Executive Officer or Chief Financial Officer to execute said agreement. (APPROVAL)
Attachment 1
Attachment 2
12. Approve attached Agreement No. C0869 with Ocean Blue Environmental Services, Inc. for Emergency Response & Hazardous Waste Management Services in an amount not-to-exceed $50,000 for the period on or about October 1, 2017 through June 30, 2020 with an optional 3-year extension if later approved by the Board; and authorize the Chief Executive Officer or Chief Financial Officer to execute said agreement. (APPROVAL)
Attachment 1
Attachment 2
13. Approve Agreement No. C0867 with Environmental Treatment & Technology, Inc., doing business as Advanced Technology Laboratories for environmental lab services in an amount not-to-exceed $25,000 for the period on or about October 1, 2017 through June 30, 2020, with an optional three- year extension if later approved by the Board; and authorize the Chief Executive Officer or Chief Financial Officer to execute said agreement. (APPROVAL)
14. Miscellaneous Projects Update (INFORMATION)
15. July Performance Report (INFORMATION)
16. Public Comment
17. Adjournment
As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority (ACTA) does not discriminate on the basis of disability and, upon request, will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services, and activities. Sign language interpreters, assistive listening devices, and translation services may be provided. To ensure availability, 72-hour advance notice is required. Contact the ACTA Office at (562) 247-7777.