REGULAR AGENDA – JUNE 8, 2017 AT 9:00 A.M.

Governing Board
of the
Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority

Long Beach City College Liberal Arts Campus (LAC)
Board Room, Building T1100
4901 East Carson Street
Long Beach, CA 90808

A.        Roll Call
B.        Opening Statement
C.        Agenda Items


1. Elect a Chair and Vice-Chair of the Governing Board for FY18. (APPROVAL)


2. Authorize the CEO or CFO to reject all proposals received by ACTA on May 17, 2017 in response to ACTA’s Request for Proposals for Alameda Corridor Maintenance Services issued on March 22, 2017 (the “RFP”) and reissue a new Request for Proposals at a future date. (APPROVAL)


3. Authorize the Chief Executive Officer or Chief Financial Officer to execute Agreement No. C0866 with Ek, Torres & Molina, Inc. for media relations services in an amount not-to-exceed $250,000 for three fiscal years from July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2020 with an optional three-year extension if later approved by the Board. (APPROVAL)

Attachment 1
Attachment 2

4. In order to repair the physical damage caused by a fire at Redondo Junction at the north end of the Corridor on May 28, 2017 and restore normal train operation, authorize the CEO or CFO to: (1) Secure environmental and/or building and removal permits; (2) Take other actions as deemed necessary to repair and replace damaged signal and communication equipment; (3) Arrange for the safe removal of the fire-damaged tower; and (4) Issue as necessary contract amendments and purchase orders and pay permit fees in the approximate aggregate amount of $750,000 to accomplish the repairs. (APPROVAL)


5. Authorize special salary adjustments for six ACTA employees in the total approximate amount of $34,000 and the additional associated benefits of approximately $15,000 to account for consolidation of functions, experience, and improved alignment within job classification salary ranges. (APPROVAL)

Attachment 1

6. Adopt the final FY 2017/2018 (FY18) Budget and appropriate cash spending of $120,533,788. (APPROVAL)

Attachment 1


7. Minutes of the April 13, 2017 Special Meeting of the Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority. (APPROVAL)

041317 ACTA Minutes

8. Monthly Financial Statement – March 2017 (R&F)

Attachment 1
Attachment 2

9. Authorize the Chief Executive Officer or Chief Financial Officer to: (1) Allocate $740,000 in expenses in the FY18 Budget for services provided by 12 legal firms, excluding the Dominguez Channel Oil Release EPA Matter and UPRR Dolores Yard Crossover Project support; (2) Increase the total 5-year aggregate contract values (FY13-18), by $560,000 for the 12 firms to$3,140,000; and (3) Issue contract value amendments to the 12 agreements incrementally as needed during FY18 provided the total cumulative amount of $3,140,000 for all firms is not exceeded. (APPROVAL)

Attachment 1

10. Approve the following Contract Work Orders (CWOs) and Change Orders (COs) and Agreement extensions and authorize the Chief Executive Officer or Chief Financial Officer to execute said CWOs and reallocate funding amounts as follows: (1) Annual Contract Work Orders (CWOs) and corresponding Change Orders (COs) to Amended Agreement No. 27 with the Alameda Corridor Engineering Team (ACET) for FY17 in the aggregate amount of $2,337,607 allocated as follows: $1,845,989 for ACTA Support and$491,619 for the SR-47 Project; (2) Extend the term of the Agreement through June 30, 2018; and (3) Reallocate the FY17 CWO amounts amongst the CWO’s during the fiscal year provided the aggregate total amount is not increased. (APPROVAL)

Attachment 1
Attachment 2
Attachment 3

11. Approve amendments to four ACTA agreements and authorize the Chief Executive Officer or Chief Financial Officer to execute the amendments as follows: (1) No. C0693 – Manatt, Phelps & Phillips for federal advocacy services – 4 month extension through October 30, 2017 and $20,000 increase to contract value; (2) No. C0036 – Tetra Tech, Inc. for environmental services – 4 month extension through October 30, 2017 with no increase to contract value; (3) No. C0791 – Positive Lab Services for environmental lab services – 4 month extension through October 30, 2017 with no increase to contract value; and (4) No. C0840 – Vasquez & Company, LLP for internal auditing services – 4 month extension through October 30, 2017 with no increase to contract value. (APPROVAL)

Attachment 1
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Attachment 3
Attachment 4

12. Approve Agreement No. C0865 with David Duthie for utility coordination services for a term of two years in an amount not to exceed $70,000 to replace Agreement No. C0714, which expires on June 30, 2017 and authorize the Chief Executive Officer or Chief Financial Officer to execute said Agreement. It is also recommended that the Board find that conducting a competitive selection process for these services would not be practical or advantageous to ACTA. (APPROVAL)

Attachment 1

13. Authorize the Chief Executive Officer or Chief Financial Officer to issue amendments or change orders for one-year term extensions to the following ACTA Agreements, which require no new added contract value: No. C0637 –Public Financial Management (Financial Advisor); No. C0712 – Bickmore and Associates (Insurance Advisor); No. C0737 – ACE Engineering (On-call Maintenance); No. C0764 – Earth Mechanics Inc. (Geotechnical Engineering); No. C0807 – AECOM Technical Services, Inc. (General Engineering). (APPROVAL)

Attachment 1
Attachment 2
Attachment 3
Attachment 4
Attachment 5

14. Status of Requests for Proposals for ACTA Contracts (INFORMATION)


15. Approve the proposed amendment to Agreement No. C0337 with North American Emergency Management (NAEM) for emergency preparedness planning and annual field exercises in the amount of $16,000 and extend the term through June 30, 2018 and authorize the Chief Executive Officer or Chief Financial Officer to execute said amendment. It is also recommended that the Board find that conducting a competitive selection process for these services would not be practical or advantageous to ACTA. (APPROVAL)

Attachment 1

16. Authorize the Chief Executive Officer or Chief Financial Officer to issue amendments to two existing contracts with the IBI Group Ltd. for FY18 services as follows: (`1) Agreement No. C0719 for a one-year term extension through June 30, 2018 at a fixed amount of $109,725 for support and maintenance of ACTA’s Revenue Assessment and Verification System and ACTA’s PierPass Validation System; and (2) Agreement No. C0783 for a one-year term extension through June 30, 2018 with no additional contract value for special services and system enhancements, as may be required. (APPROVAL)

Attachment 1

17. Approve an amendment to Agreement No. C0711 with Pacific Railway Enterprises, Inc. (PRE) for on-call signal and communications engineering design services which will extend the term for one year through June 30, 2018 and add $100,000 to the contract value and authorize the Chief Executive Officer or Chief Financial Officer to execute said amendment. It is also recommended that the Board find that conducting a competitive selection process for these services would not be practical or advantageous to ACTA. (APPROVAL)

Attachment 1


18. April Performance Report (INFORMATION)

19. Public Comment

20. Adjournment

As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority (ACTA) does not discriminate on the basis of disability and, upon request, will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services, and activities.  Sign language interpreters, assistive listening devices, and translation services may be provided.  To ensure availability, 72-hour advance notice is required.  Contact the ACTA Office at (562) 247-7777.