February 24, 2023

AGENDA – FEBRUARY 24, 2023 AT 3:30 P.M.

Governing Board
of the
Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority

This meeting is being conducted via teleconference in accordance with Assembly Bill No. 361 approved by Governor Newsom on September 16, 2021, and Government Code Section 54953(e)(1). A physical location will not be available for public observance of the meeting or public comment.

Conference Call for Meeting Attendance
and Live Public Comment:
Dial: (562) 342-1138
Participant Pin: 2178101


Written Public Comment about Agenda Items

Email: PublicComment@acta.org
Sender’s name and contact information are

A.        Roll Call
B.        Opening Statement
C.        Agenda Items


1. INFORMATION December 2022 Performance Report

022423 Presentation

Regular Agenda:

2. APPROVE Minutes of the February 2, 2023, Regular Governing Board Meeting of the Alameda Corridor
Transportation Authority

020223 Minutes

3. APPROVE Confirmation of ACTA Investment Policy for Non-bond Funds

Transmittal 1

4. INFORMATION on 2023-2024 Renewal of ACTA Insurance Coverages

Transmittal 1

5. APPROVE Agreement with Jinji LLC for a not to exceed amount of $36,000 and a three-year term to provide an On-Call Human Resources Hotline Service

Transmittal 1

6. APPROVE Assignment and Assumption of Agreement No. C0788 to Foster & Foster Consulting Actuaries, Inc. from Bartel Associates, LLC for the continuation of actuarial services

Transmittal 1

7. APPROVE First Amendment to Agreement C0889 with Pacific Railway Enterprises, Inc. to increase the total compensation amount by $125,000 for an agreement total not to exceed amount of $375,000 for the continuation of Signal Design Services

Transmittal 1

8. APPROVE Contract Task Order No. 7, Revision 1 to Agreement C0855 with RailWorks Track Services, LLC to increase the agreement compensation by $494,000 for a total compensation amount of $1,365,354 for construction services in connection with the Union Pacific Dolores Yard Crossover Project

Transmittal 1

9. APPROVE Reimbursement Agreement with the City of Long Beach Harbor Department for a not to exceed amount of $201,250 and a one-year term for ACTA to provide various support services in connection with the Pier B On-Dock Rail Support Facility Project

Transmittal 1 – Redline 2/24/23

10. APPROVE Agreement with Dudek for a not to exceed amount of $50,000 and a one year term to provide CEQA Consulting Services for the Port of Long Beach Pier B On-Dock Rail Support Facility Environmental Impact Report

Transmittal 1

D. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items

E. Adjournment

As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority (ACTA) does not discriminate on the basis of disability and, upon request, will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services, and activities.  Sign language interpreters, assistive listening devices, and translation services may be provided.  To ensure availability, 72-hour advance notice is required.  Contact the ACTA Office at (562) 247-7777.