A. Roll Call
B. Opening Statement
C. Agenda Items
CONSENT: (1 – 6)
1. Minutes of the November 15, 2019 Special Meeting of the Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority. (RECEIVE & FILE)
111519 Minutes
2. Minutes of the December 12, 2019 Meeting of the Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority. (RECEIVE & FILE)
121219 Minutes
3. Monthly Financial Reports for November 2019 (RECEIVE & FILE)
Transmittal 1
Transmittal 2
4. 2020 Emergency Drill Sunday, March 29, 2020 (INFORMATION)
5. Fiscal Year 2020/2021 Preliminary Budget Schedule (INFORMATION)
6. November 2019 Performance Report (INFORMATION)
November Performance Update
7. Update of the Ad Hoc Succession Planning Committee (INFORMATION)
The Governing Board Chair will update the Board on the status of the work of the Ad Hoc Committee for Succession Planning. There is no Board Report accompanying this agenda item.
8. Approve the resolution extending the appointment of James P. Preusch to serve as ACTA’s Interim Chief Executive Officer while concurrently performing his responsibilities as Chief Financial Officer until the appointment of a permanent Chief Executive Officer. (APPROVAL)
Transmittal 1
9. Approve Rick McIntosh as the new RailWorks Maintenance Contract Manager under Agreement No. C0885. (APPROVAL)
10. Approve the proposed amendment to Agreement No. C0868 with Tetra Tech, Inc. for environmental site assessment and restoration services to extend the term three years through June 30, 2023; and authorize the Interim Chief Executive Officer to execute said amendment. (APPROVAL)
Transmittal 1
11. Approve the proposed amendment to Agreement No. C0869 with Ocean Blue Environmental Services, Inc. for emergency response and hazardous waste management services to add $100,000 and extend the term three years through June 30, 2023; and authorize the Interim Chief Executive Officer to execute said amendment. (APPROVAL)
Transmittal 1
12. Authorize the Interim Chief Executive Officer to execute the Amendment to Agreement No. C0866 between the Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority and Courtney Torres Consulting, Inc. (CTCI), providing for a three-year extension. (APPROVAL)
Transmittal 1
13. Approve the ACTA Investment Policy for non-bond funds. (APPROVAL)
Transmittal 1
14. Authorize the Interim Chief Executive Officer to: (1) Negotiate and accept the recommendations of Willis Towers Watson (Willis), ACTA’s Broker of Record, for placement of required insurance for the period April 15, 2020 through April 14, 2021; and (2) Bind insurance, on behalf of ACTA, in accordance with the recommendations of Willis. (APPROVAL)
Transmittal 1
15. Authorize staff to include the engagement of the Alameda Corridor Engineering Team (ACET) in the FY21 budget preparation process for ACTA’s continued use of ACET’s engineering and specialized services. (APPROVAL)
16. Approve the adoption of the attached Resolution No 20-2 approving the attached Amendment No. 3 to District Agreement No. 07-4872 with the California Department of Transportation which will increase the not-to exceed budget for ROW Support services to be provided by ACTA during and after the construction of Segment 1 of the SR-47 Project; and authorize the Interim Chief Executive Officer to execute the amendment.
Transmittal 1
Attachment 1
17. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Item
18. Adjournment